Thursday, February 5, 2009

Right-brained or Left-brained?

You see the dancer rotating counter-clockwise?
You are left-brained! (like most people)

The dance rotates clockwise?
You are right-brained!

*LEFT-BRAINED people are analytical, rational, logical, sequential, objective. Generally the way of thinking is structured and clear-cut. They will understand by building the big picture from its components.

*RIGHT-BRAINED people are random, intuitive, holistic (big picture oriented), synthetical, subjective. They will see the big picture and then consider its different parts.

Personally, I am right-brained (not just proven by this test, but by several others as well). The thing with this dancer test is that you can "switch" the rotation if you try hard enough (you'll find it easier looking at the shadow below), so you really have to trust your first glance to define which operating mode is usually yours.

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